First match for the EULC Development team

Battling with the weather, the EULC developement team braved their first match of the season against Plymouth. With a team consisting of many new players who had never played in a fixture before, it was a great opportunity to dive in at the deep end. After a quick reminder of the rules, the team were ready. With the absence of a goalie, our defence began a little apprehensive, however our attacking unit remained strong, helping the team grow in confidence throughout the game. Exeter dominated the play with some amazing goals and great team work. The defence unit played with determination, stepping up and preventing the ball from entering the fan for most of the match. With a short appearance of hail, the team dug deep finishing the match victorious with a score of 22-2.

Alongside this spectacular score line, the Exeter development team came away with a strainer understanding of the rules as well as new friends and a fun experience. They now look forward to further matches with other development teams within the South West.

A big thank you to all that participated, and moreover to our two amazing coaches Louisa and Hannah, who have worked extremely hard alongside the team throughout the season so far!

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